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13 November 2024 - 14 November 2024
İzmit/Kocaeli, Türkiye
Match4Industry 2024
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Open until 6 November 2024

Match4Industry Business Matchmaking Event

“Widen Your Network, Widen Your Business”

Match4Industry event will take place on 13 - 14 November 2024, at Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, in Kocaeli - a vital hub for Türkiye's manufacturing industry. 

The event will be organised by ABİGEM East Marmara in collaboration with Kocaeli Chamber of Industry and Enterprise Europe Network partners. Match4Industry offers two days of exclusive business meetings with participants from all over the world.

The Sectors

  • Automotive Supply
  • Metals and Machinery
  • Plastics and Rubber
  • Tyres
  • Chemicals (Automotive paints, coatings and care products)
  • Construction & Construction Materials
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Electrics-Electronics
  • Information and Communication Technologies

Match4Industry at a Glance

  • Engage in individual business meetings in an exclusive, conducive atmosphere with excellent networking opportunities
  • Benefit from a broad international partner network providing assistance prior to the event
  • Receive professional support to tailor your experience to meet your needs
  • Explore new markets and business opportunities in Türkiye and beyond
  • Discover innovative ideas for developing solutions and new products
  • Observe the industrial capacity, expertise and innovation of leading companies through site visits.

Services Included

  • Local transfers to meeting points
  • English to Turkish and Turkish to English translation
  • Lunches, refreshments and a 'welcome' dinner

Participation is free of charge!

Kocaeli Chamber of Industry
Organised by
Türkiye 72
Kosovo 4
Serbia 3
Italy 2
China 1
India 1
Germany 1
Bulgaria 1
Greece 1
Total 86